Aquatic ManagementRapid ResponseThe DEC has published a statewide rapid response document that is meant to provide a framework for the response to finding a new species or population. This document follows a step-by-step process of what to do when you have found an invasion and organizes that process in a very clear, action-focused way.
New York State Invasive
The DEC also has a guiding document for statewide invasive species management. This document outlines the needs, approaches, and recommended actions for a variety of goals related to invasive species management. The overarching goal of the plan is to minimize the introduction, establishment and spread of invasive species throughout the State.
Water Chestnut Prioritization |
Terrestrial ManagementCT Invasive Plant Council Guidelines for Best Management Practices for Movement of Topsoil and Gravel Fill, Mulch and Equipment
Clean Equipment Protocol for Industry Inspecting and cleaning equipment for the purposes of invasive species prevention
Guidelines for Disposal of Terrestrial Invasive Plants
(The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and the University of Connecticut, 2014) Invasive Species in Forest and Rangelands of the United States
(Poland 2021) By Species:
By Technique:How to Solarize Invasive Plants
(Capital Region PRISM) |