Restoration Resources
Ecological Communities of New York State
(New York Natural Heritage Program, 2014) Native Plants for Gardening and Landscaping
(New York State Department of Environmental Conservation-Division of Lands and Forests, 2016) |
Alternatives to Ornamental Invasive Plants: A Sustainable Solution for New York State
(New York State Integrated Pest Management Program, 2017) |
Selecting Plants for Pollinators- Adirondacks Edition
(Pollinator Partnership and NAPPC) Guide to Water Gardening in New York State
(NYS DEC, 2020) Creating and Maintaining Hudson River Views
(Hudson River Estuary Program, 2020) |
Homegrown National Park-Resources Page
International Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration-Including Principles and Key Concepts
(McDonald, 2016) Riparian Zone Planting to Protect Water Quality
(Capital Region PRISM, 2018) A Guide to Creating Vegetated Buffers for Lakefront Properties
(SCSWCD and CCE Saratoga, 2021) |