Species Specific WebinarsHemlock Woolly Adelgid:
To learn about the invader and how to spot it, watch this recording of the presentation which was given by PRISM staff through zoom on November 9th, 2020. ![]() New York State Hemlock Initiative:
Community Science The New York State Hemlock Initiative represents the efforts of scientists, natural resources professionals, and New York residents united in their love for hemlock trees and dedication to hemlock conservation. Since our scope is statewide, we are supported by community scientists all over New York who help us find HWA-infested hemlock stands, assess tree health, and understand the timing of important HWA life stages. Help us collect field data. Our community science project participants help us complete HWA surveys, assess tree health, track HWA phenology, and survey hemlock stands along shorelines. Data collected from these efforts help us understand how and where HWA is spreading in our forests, identify biocontrol release sites, and time biocontrol releases. Your contributions improve our research efforts and help us work towards our goal of landscape-scale HWA management through biological control. Hemlock Woolly Adelgid:
Click the link below to see Kris Williams, Invasive Species Coordinator, discuss the importance of Hemlock tree stands and the threat the trees face from the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid. Learn how to identify hemlock trees and survey for the high threat invasive species with ways to report sightings. Aquatic Invasive Species: A closer look at Hydrilla
What’s the hype about Hydrilla? Take a journey through the history of introduction, spread, and management of this aquatic invasive plant to understand its biology, impacts, and why it poses a threat to New York’s lake and river communities and water resources. This video was the result of a collaboration between the Cornell’s Naturalist Outreach Program, the New York Invasive Species Research Institute, and the Ithaca College Park Media Lab. |
General WebinarsInvasive Species Background and 'Watch Out' Species of the Capital Region:
Watch PRISM educator Hannah C. talk about invasive species of concern in the Capital Region PRISM. Invasive Species Disposal:
Watch Lauren M. talk about the various ways to dispose of invasive plant material. Introduction to Invasive Species:
For a general overview of invasive species and the harm they can cause, watch this recording given by Lauren M. Common Backyard Invaders:
Want to know what invasive species may be hiding in your backyards? Tune in to watch the PRISM Education and Outreach Coordinator, Lauren Mercier, as she identifies five of the most common invasive species in the area. Cornell Master Forest Owner Program:
Clean, Drain, Dry:
Watch this demonstration by the Capital Region PRISM team on how to clean, drain, and dry your watercraft to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species. Invasive Species at the Wilton Wildlife Preserve:
To learn more about the invasive species found at the Wilton Wildlife Preserve, check out this video! Moreau NatureFest 2020:
Watch this video, created by the Capital Region PRISM to learn about how you can do your part in stopping the spread of invasive species while recreating in parks like Moreau Lake State Park. Vertical Divider
Meeting Recordings